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One of Lao Tzu’s wisdom


مستوى التفاعل
Doctors are living a very contradictory life. They are supposed to cure people, but if they cure all
the people, then what will happen to them? If a society is completely healthy, and nobody is
sick, the doctors will start getting sick, starving, dying. They will become beggars.
It was only in China, under Lao Tzu's influence, that for the first time a new method was
introduced. It was out of Lao Tzu's great compassion that he went to the emperor and said, "The
whole medical profession is basically wrong, because the doctor lives on the diseases of the
people, and he is supposed to cure them. You are putting the man in a contradictory position."
The emperor asked, "What do you suggest?"
He said, "I suggest that the doctor should be paid by the emperor for keeping people healthy.
When people feel they are losing their health, they become sick, the doctor's money has to be
cut. He is not taking care well. Just the opposite of now: he will be paid to keep people healthy
and if somebody falls sick, his pay will be cut. That will bring to the whole medical profession a
totally different perspective."​

أداب الحوار

المرجو التحلي بأداب الحوار وعدم الإنجرار خلف المشاحنات، بحال مضايقة إستخدم زر الإبلاغ وسنتخذ الإجراء المناسب، يمكنك الإطلاع على [ قوانين وسياسة الموقع ] و [ ماهو سايكوجين ]

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