الاكتفاء بالاطلاع
مريد 1
- المشاركات
- 119
- مستوى التفاعل
- 99
طبعا تحطيم الصخور بالاصبع الصغير معروفة للبعض..
ولكن سنعرض عروض اخرى.. (في المرفقات)
تفاجئت عند البحث عن حميتهم.. بالتضليل والتشويه والتشويش..!!
وحتى نصل للحق والحقيقة..
فهم جماعة من البوذية.. وفي البوذية معروف الممنوعات في الطعام ..!!
فجمعت المعلومات من مواقعهم الرسمية..
معلوماتي السابقة عنهم:
طعام المعلم صارم جدا.. بينما المتعلم فله حرية اكثر..!!
(بعض البيض او الجبن او الحليب..)
عندما يشتمل المطبخ الصيني على اللحوم، يتم تقديمها بكميات صغيرة بشكل أساسي لتعزيز نكهة الطبق، ولا يتم تقديمها بكميات كبيرة كمرتكز.
When Chinese cuisine includes meat, it is mainly in small amounts to enhance the flavor of the dish, not served in large portions as the focus.
من مواقعهم الرسمية:
The real followers of Shaolin are vegetarians with a special diet. There is a rumor that Shaolin Temple monks are not vegetarians. This is untrue!
Being a vegetarian is very important for learning the traditional Shaolin martial art. So it is a tradition for Shaolin monks to follow a very strict vegetarian diet, otherwise they will not be able to practice the martial art of Shaolin (Shaolin Chan Wu), that is, to use the martial art as a means to attain enlightenment.
In addition, according to the theory of Shaolin medicine, it is better to maintain our health through a healthy diet than from the treatment of diseases with medication. A vegetarian diet is the key to good health.
Our bodies and emotions are affected by our diet, so Shaolin followers are very careful about what they put in their mouths and then in their bodies.
All Shaolin followers, especially those who want to reach the highest level in Shaolin martial arts, will not eat meat, fish or eggs, but only vegan.
Since Shaolin martial arts are to train the heart and mind, it will be very difficult for someone to deepen if their body is not cleansed with a special vegetarian diet. If one practices Shaolin martial arts without following this type of diet, what one practices is only one's body and this cannot be considered as traditional Shaolin martial art, regardless of the time period one is engaged in.
من مواقعهم الرسمية:
The real followers of Shaolin are vegetarians with a special diet. There is a rumor that Shaolin Temple monks are not vegetarians. This is untrue!
Being a vegetarian is very important for learning the traditional Shaolin martial art. So it is a tradition for Shaolin monks to follow a very strict vegetarian diet, otherwise they will not be able to practice the martial art of Shaolin (Shaolin Chan Wu), that is, to use the martial art as a means to attain enlightenment.
In addition, according to the theory of Shaolin medicine, it is better to maintain our health through a healthy diet than from the treatment of diseases with medication. A vegetarian diet is the key to good health.
Our bodies and emotions are affected by our diet, so Shaolin followers are very careful about what they put in their mouths and then in their bodies.
All Shaolin followers, especially those who want to reach the highest level in Shaolin martial arts, will not eat meat, fish or eggs, but only vegan.
Since Shaolin martial arts are to train the heart and mind, it will be very difficult for someone to deepen if their body is not cleansed with a special vegetarian diet. If one practices Shaolin martial arts without following this type of diet, what one practices is only one's body and this cannot be considered as traditional Shaolin martial art, regardless of the time period one is engaged in.