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مقطع من كتاب " الذكاء العبقري : طرق سرية و تكنولوجية لزيادة الذكاء "
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A mysterious substance known as Ormus – aka ORME, White Powder Gold or simply White Gold – is said by some to be another secret method used to increase intelligence. In our novel
By ingesting it, the children activate their entire DNA/RNA cellular system, which not only unlocks their physical body’s true potential, but also stimulates their conscious and subconscious minds. We refer to how daily consumption of Ormus assists the orphans in every facet of their life, from enhancing mental alertness to developing physical strength and endurance to promoting good health.
Although we include extensive references to it in that book and the rest of our fictional conspiracy series
What’s more, increasing IQ is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this unusual scientific discovery which, we admit, sounds like something out of an episode of The X-Files.
Few mainstream scientific studies have thus far been conducted on the strange substance. But even if a tenth of what proponents of White Gold say is true, the potential for humanity is remarkable.
Preliminary studies have shown it to assist in a variety of diverse fields including agriculture, engineering and aeronautics. For example, small studies have been conducted by universities to evaluate Ormus’ effects on various fruits and vegetables, and the results are impressive. Farmers and growers worldwide have also reported increased growth in crops, nuts, fruits and vegetables as a result of using Ormus.
However, it is the superconductor’s effects on the human brain that we shall concentrate on in this chapter. Aiding memory, assisting mental wellbeing, helping students achieve better grades, improving eyesight and correcting damaged DNA are but a few of the astonishing claims surrounding the substance.
Ormus test results are apparently off the charts and defy the laws of science. White Gold experts explain this by saying the substance exists in the realms of quantum physics and hyperdimensional theory.
Skeptics, however, say Ormus more appropriately exists in the twilight zone and its benefits are nowhere near conclusively proven.
Consumers of the little known substance come from all sectors of society. Examples range from elite athletes looking for legal performance enhancers to terminally sick people seeking alternative cures for illnesses modern medicine cannot cure to Fortune 500 CEOs attempting to get a mental advantage over competitors. A-List Hollywood stars are also among those who regularly ingest Ormus.
Ormus was discovered in 1975 by David Hudson, an Arizona cotton farmer and wealthy businessman. Hudson came across the substance while conducting analysis of natural resources on one of his farms in Arizona. He ended up devoting his life and millions of dollars to researching the strange substance, which he linked to Biblical and ancient Egyptian alchemy.
It was an unusual-looking white powder that the farmer discovered by chance on his farm. When he put the powder out to dry in the hot Arizona sun, it radically changed – from powder to oil!
After conducting scientific analysis of the substance, Hudson confirmed it seems to have odd properties that defy the laws of nature. For example, Ormus’ elements, which include gold, copper and iron, frequently morph into other elements and the substance becomes an electromagnetic superconductor under certain conditions.
Hudson claimed to have knowledge of secretive Government-funded studies of Ormus. He said these experiments took place in laboratories throughout the US and the Soviet Union in the 1980’s. If such experiments did take place, they’ve never been made public.
In the late 1980’s, Hudson was issued a British patent by the UK Intellectual Property Office for the Ormus product he formulated from his initial discovery. At the same time, he coined a term for the exotic elements he patented – Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements, or ORME.
Shortly thereafter, Hudson was informed he no longer had the patent. He claims no clear reason was given and, soon after, he received a visit from the US Department of Defense.
Hudson then enigmatically became reclusive and made few if any public appearances for about 20 years. Nor did he make any comments about Ormus during that period. Only in the last two to three years has he ventured into the public arena again, giving lectures about his discovery.
It’s worth considering the following excerpt by Barry Carter – arguably the world’s foremost expert on Ormus and one of the few who personally knows David Hudson – from an article Carter wrote on the website: “It is my firm belief that, once it becomes widely known, the discovery of the ORMUS materials will be heralded as the greatest scientific discovery in human history.”
Scientific properties:
Ormus is a complex concentrate of chemical elements. Besides gold, it contains a number of other metals including rhodium, iridium, copper and platinum. These metals are said to exist in the monoatomic state, or m-state – an unusual high-spin state of matter where metals don’t form bonds or crystals but remain single atoms.
Incidentally, Ormus’ non-scientific name White Powder Gold refers to the fact that when processed its appearance is reminiscent of cocaine powder.
M-state elements are naturally abundant in seawater, and the pure sea salt in seawater is said to be responsible for these rare, high-spin particles. Ormus properties are also said to be present in most rocks as well as trees.
In addition, various researchers have independently claimed to have found Ormus elements embedded in the DNA structure of animals and plants as well as in humans’ brain, skin, nails, hair, blood and in all the organs.
Different methods for obtaining Ormus elements have been devised in recent years – the easiest and most common of which involves combining ocean water, lye water and distilled water in the right fashion. This method is said to be so simple it can be done by anyone in their own home.
Supposed formulas, or recipes, have been posted on various websites online. However, it’s not clear whether these formulas lead to the same Ormus elements as those David Hudson discovered.
Claims of intelligence benefits:
As mentioned, Ormus is often taken in an attempt to improve a person’s intelligence and overall brain health. In its powdered form, it’s usually ingested sublingually, or under the tongue. When taken this way, it goes straight into the bloodstream which affects the body’s entire system – including the brain. Alternatively, in its liquid state, White Gold can be drunk as a potion or else applied topically to the skin.
Not long after he discovered Ormus and began analyzing it, David Hudson said the substance could repair the body on a genetic level. Proponents also say the substance can correct errors in the DNA and even activate Junk DNA.
“Monatomic gold and the platinum group metals,” Frego continues elsewhere in the book, “dismantle incorrect DNA and rebuilds the DNA again, correctly. They activate the endocrine system and pineal gland in a way that heightens awareness and aptitude to extraordinary levels.”
Lt. Frego goes on to surmise that Ormus also causes increased melatonin from the pineal gland which can cause, among other things, better sleep, heightened alertness and many other mental benefits.
It’s worth mentioning that most commercial manufacturers of Ormus have numerous testimonials from customers. Testimonials on the manufacturers’ websites claim cures for all sorts of serious illnesses, including mental disorders, diabetes, heart disease and osteoporosis. Various anti-aging results have also been reported.
Again, though, it should be stressed none of these mental benefits or any other health benefits have been conclusively proven scientifically. It’s anybody’s guess whether Ormus users experienced the placebo effect or whether there simply haven’t been enough mainstream studies conducted to support users’ claims.
Only time will tell.
Hollywood stars on Ormus:
Since its discovery, White Gold has been used by a raft of Hollywood stars. It’s especially popular with middle-aged starlets – not surprising given the substance’s purported anti-aging benefits and the fact Hollywood is notorious for casting young, or at least youthful-looking, actresses for most major roles.
But it may also be the intelligence boosting claims that have attracted certain film stars to the substance.
Gwyneth Paltrow said: August 10th, 2009 5:27 pm
Dear Brendan, congratulations on your wonderful website, I must admit I am a little bit jealous that our little secret about your incredible ORMUS is now available to the world. I know I can`t stand in the way of human evolution and I am proud of you for your part in raising awareness and the planets consciousness through your ORMUS, god bless you, love Gwyneth x PS can you send me another few bottles of your latest brew my stash is running low thanks xx
Alchemical Elixirs, which also lists
For around US$100 or less you can try Ormus for yourself by ordering it direct from any one of the various commercial enterprises that manufacture or supply it. It appears the manufacturers all use different formulas and, in the tradition of alchemists, those formulas for the most part seem to remain secret.
Any mainstream studies into Ormus will be worth keeping an eye on.
For the time-being, however, the substance remains shrouded in mystery and it’s very hard to find the truth amongst the hype. This task is not made any easier with all the quasi-science commercial manufacturers are using to support their claims. No doubt the composition of their products is far removed from the properties of farmer Hudson’s original discovery.
If you are thinking of purchasing a batch of Ormus, there are a couple of things to keep in mind. Besides the stunning testimonials surrounding White Gold, it’s worth noting numerous users have also reported taking it and noticing no tangible results.
Excerpt from
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A mysterious substance known as Ormus – aka ORME, White Powder Gold or simply White Gold – is said by some to be another secret method used to increase intelligence. In our novel
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, we show Ormus being given to the orphans every day at the Pedemont Orphanage.By ingesting it, the children activate their entire DNA/RNA cellular system, which not only unlocks their physical body’s true potential, but also stimulates their conscious and subconscious minds. We refer to how daily consumption of Ormus assists the orphans in every facet of their life, from enhancing mental alertness to developing physical strength and endurance to promoting good health.
Although we include extensive references to it in that book and the rest of our fictional conspiracy series
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, Ormus is actually a real substance discovered by science several decades ago. As it has been said to balance both hemispheres of the brain and therefore allow for "whole brain learning", it is being consumed by people all over the world who are looking for safe and legal ways to increase their IQ. And the numbers using it are increasing every day as more and more people hear about it.What’s more, increasing IQ is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this unusual scientific discovery which, we admit, sounds like something out of an episode of The X-Files.
Few mainstream scientific studies have thus far been conducted on the strange substance. But even if a tenth of what proponents of White Gold say is true, the potential for humanity is remarkable.
Preliminary studies have shown it to assist in a variety of diverse fields including agriculture, engineering and aeronautics. For example, small studies have been conducted by universities to evaluate Ormus’ effects on various fruits and vegetables, and the results are impressive. Farmers and growers worldwide have also reported increased growth in crops, nuts, fruits and vegetables as a result of using Ormus.
However, it is the superconductor’s effects on the human brain that we shall concentrate on in this chapter. Aiding memory, assisting mental wellbeing, helping students achieve better grades, improving eyesight and correcting damaged DNA are but a few of the astonishing claims surrounding the substance.
Ormus test results are apparently off the charts and defy the laws of science. White Gold experts explain this by saying the substance exists in the realms of quantum physics and hyperdimensional theory.
Skeptics, however, say Ormus more appropriately exists in the twilight zone and its benefits are nowhere near conclusively proven.
Consumers of the little known substance come from all sectors of society. Examples range from elite athletes looking for legal performance enhancers to terminally sick people seeking alternative cures for illnesses modern medicine cannot cure to Fortune 500 CEOs attempting to get a mental advantage over competitors. A-List Hollywood stars are also among those who regularly ingest Ormus.
Ormus was discovered in 1975 by David Hudson, an Arizona cotton farmer and wealthy businessman. Hudson came across the substance while conducting analysis of natural resources on one of his farms in Arizona. He ended up devoting his life and millions of dollars to researching the strange substance, which he linked to Biblical and ancient Egyptian alchemy.
It was an unusual-looking white powder that the farmer discovered by chance on his farm. When he put the powder out to dry in the hot Arizona sun, it radically changed – from powder to oil!
After conducting scientific analysis of the substance, Hudson confirmed it seems to have odd properties that defy the laws of nature. For example, Ormus’ elements, which include gold, copper and iron, frequently morph into other elements and the substance becomes an electromagnetic superconductor under certain conditions.
Hudson claimed to have knowledge of secretive Government-funded studies of Ormus. He said these experiments took place in laboratories throughout the US and the Soviet Union in the 1980’s. If such experiments did take place, they’ve never been made public.
In the late 1980’s, Hudson was issued a British patent by the UK Intellectual Property Office for the Ormus product he formulated from his initial discovery. At the same time, he coined a term for the exotic elements he patented – Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements, or ORME.
Shortly thereafter, Hudson was informed he no longer had the patent. He claims no clear reason was given and, soon after, he received a visit from the US Department of Defense.
Hudson then enigmatically became reclusive and made few if any public appearances for about 20 years. Nor did he make any comments about Ormus during that period. Only in the last two to three years has he ventured into the public arena again, giving lectures about his discovery.
It’s worth considering the following excerpt by Barry Carter – arguably the world’s foremost expert on Ormus and one of the few who personally knows David Hudson – from an article Carter wrote on the website: “It is my firm belief that, once it becomes widely known, the discovery of the ORMUS materials will be heralded as the greatest scientific discovery in human history.”
Scientific properties:
Ormus is a complex concentrate of chemical elements. Besides gold, it contains a number of other metals including rhodium, iridium, copper and platinum. These metals are said to exist in the monoatomic state, or m-state – an unusual high-spin state of matter where metals don’t form bonds or crystals but remain single atoms.
Incidentally, Ormus’ non-scientific name White Powder Gold refers to the fact that when processed its appearance is reminiscent of cocaine powder.
M-state elements are naturally abundant in seawater, and the pure sea salt in seawater is said to be responsible for these rare, high-spin particles. Ormus properties are also said to be present in most rocks as well as trees.
In addition, various researchers have independently claimed to have found Ormus elements embedded in the DNA structure of animals and plants as well as in humans’ brain, skin, nails, hair, blood and in all the organs.
Different methods for obtaining Ormus elements have been devised in recent years – the easiest and most common of which involves combining ocean water, lye water and distilled water in the right fashion. This method is said to be so simple it can be done by anyone in their own home.
Supposed formulas, or recipes, have been posted on various websites online. However, it’s not clear whether these formulas lead to the same Ormus elements as those David Hudson discovered.
Claims of intelligence benefits:
As mentioned, Ormus is often taken in an attempt to improve a person’s intelligence and overall brain health. In its powdered form, it’s usually ingested sublingually, or under the tongue. When taken this way, it goes straight into the bloodstream which affects the body’s entire system – including the brain. Alternatively, in its liquid state, White Gold can be drunk as a potion or else applied topically to the skin.
Not long after he discovered Ormus and began analyzing it, David Hudson said the substance could repair the body on a genetic level. Proponents also say the substance can correct errors in the DNA and even activate Junk DNA.
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, who wrote about Ormus’ positive impact on human intelligence in his book
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, agrees with this theory. “Our very brain tissue itself is by dry weight, composed of 5% monatomic iridium and rhodium. The implications for creating a few geniuses or treating brain dysfunctions are immense. Ormus iridium affects the pituitary gland in a way that reactivates the body’s Junk DNA and underused parts of the brain. Feeling stupid today? Take a little iridium and rhodium and call me in the morning. Colloidal gold has been proven to raise I.Q. as 20 points in 30 days. Certainly the thing to have for finals week.“Monatomic gold and the platinum group metals,” Frego continues elsewhere in the book, “dismantle incorrect DNA and rebuilds the DNA again, correctly. They activate the endocrine system and pineal gland in a way that heightens awareness and aptitude to extraordinary levels.”
Lt. Frego goes on to surmise that Ormus also causes increased melatonin from the pineal gland which can cause, among other things, better sleep, heightened alertness and many other mental benefits.
It’s worth mentioning that most commercial manufacturers of Ormus have numerous testimonials from customers. Testimonials on the manufacturers’ websites claim cures for all sorts of serious illnesses, including mental disorders, diabetes, heart disease and osteoporosis. Various anti-aging results have also been reported.
Again, though, it should be stressed none of these mental benefits or any other health benefits have been conclusively proven scientifically. It’s anybody’s guess whether Ormus users experienced the placebo effect or whether there simply haven’t been enough mainstream studies conducted to support users’ claims.
Only time will tell.
Hollywood stars on Ormus:
Since its discovery, White Gold has been used by a raft of Hollywood stars. It’s especially popular with middle-aged starlets – not surprising given the substance’s purported anti-aging benefits and the fact Hollywood is notorious for casting young, or at least youthful-looking, actresses for most major roles.
But it may also be the intelligence boosting claims that have attracted certain film stars to the substance.
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is probably the most vocal Ormus user in the Hollywood community. On the website a testimonial (of hers) appears as follows:Gwyneth Paltrow said: August 10th, 2009 5:27 pm
Dear Brendan, congratulations on your wonderful website, I must admit I am a little bit jealous that our little secret about your incredible ORMUS is now available to the world. I know I can`t stand in the way of human evolution and I am proud of you for your part in raising awareness and the planets consciousness through your ORMUS, god bless you, love Gwyneth x PS can you send me another few bottles of your latest brew my stash is running low thanks xx
Alchemical Elixirs, which also lists
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among its clients, is just one of many Ormus manufacturers and suppliers that names film stars, business executives, top sportsmen and famous musicians among its customers.#
For around US$100 or less you can try Ormus for yourself by ordering it direct from any one of the various commercial enterprises that manufacture or supply it. It appears the manufacturers all use different formulas and, in the tradition of alchemists, those formulas for the most part seem to remain secret.
Any mainstream studies into Ormus will be worth keeping an eye on.
For the time-being, however, the substance remains shrouded in mystery and it’s very hard to find the truth amongst the hype. This task is not made any easier with all the quasi-science commercial manufacturers are using to support their claims. No doubt the composition of their products is far removed from the properties of farmer Hudson’s original discovery.
If you are thinking of purchasing a batch of Ormus, there are a couple of things to keep in mind. Besides the stunning testimonials surrounding White Gold, it’s worth noting numerous users have also reported taking it and noticing no tangible results.
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